Monday, November 24, 2014
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Coral nest by Jennifer McCurdy
Jennifer McCurdy
I found it on this awesome blog about contemporary forms of baskets: contemporarybasketry .
Jennifer McCurdy
I found it on this awesome blog about contemporary forms of baskets: contemporarybasketry .
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Pas de deux
via: sophiedecrane
Artist Sophie de Crane translates beautifully into clay her sensibility and particular sensations choosing to work with pieces put into a dual relation. Although all of her forms share the same pureness of line and balance each new work is a sentence that invites you to discover the meaning behind the curved form.
photo credit : sophiedecrane
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Silhouettes between the lines
Between the lines there is the human figure that stands defined not by the space it ocupies but by the profile he traces.There is more to form than just the edges of concrete.
I love the simple yet so deep concept behind theese silhouettes created by the ceramic artist Greg Payce.
discover more about the artist throught the lens of heidimckenzie
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Black is the new pink
I found some great things this november on etsy. I love these black cups, such great design with a modern edge.
check them out here : spiky-mug
and here: black-porcelain-cups-set-of-two-ceramic
Also see my treasury including them : mood-orange
check them out here : spiky-mug
and here: black-porcelain-cups-set-of-two-ceramic
Also see my treasury including them : mood-orange
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Autumn landscapes
I love the intricate details and the subtle tones that result after a laborious work. It almost seems to me like a meditative process following the contemplation stage.
"Drysdale thinks of the development of each series of her vessels, in this case the Tanami series, as a journey back to the sensations and colours that she first experienced traveling through the landscape, engaging with it at a distance and at close quarters.
Both dream and memory are therefore intense fragments of sensation, pattern and colour.
There is no picture, no composition no cipher for the land as whole. There are merely sensations so intense that they can act as a detailed guide to the form of each vessel, to the quality of glazes, the dry, dense or silky surface and the patterns and shadows that fall across it...
...These passionate eidetic memories guide her every move in the studio. Her greatest work happens at the moment that they become the subconscious core of the piece.
All her preparation and research is merely the road to this moment." David Bromfield
Sunday, October 5, 2014
One year old CherishCeramics
Today my etsy shop CherishCeramics is officially one year old !!!
I celebrate this with a 10% OFF Exclusive Offer !!!
until the 31 of October in whichever item at CherishCeramics:
Please enter code
during checkout.
Happy to be still here among you all !!
I celebrate this with a 10% OFF Exclusive Offer !!!
until the 31 of October in whichever item at CherishCeramics:
Please enter code
during checkout.
Happy to be still here among you all !!
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Cherish Ceramics la Jazz in the park
Experienta mea la Jazz in the park festival a fost foarte placuta, cu muzica in aer si zone de relaxare iar reintalnirea cu Clujul a fost extraordinara. Este un oras viu, cu oameni care apreciaza frumosul si evenimentele culturale, si m-am bucurat ca Cherish Ceramics a fost apreciat si admirat, sper ca cei dintre voi care m-ati vizitat ati plecat cu o impresie placuta.
Intalnirea directa cu persoanele care cumpara de la noi, artistii si artizanii de hand made mi se pare foarte importanta, am primit si sugestii si din discutiile cu voi se vor materializa noi directii si abordari atat in forme si idei cat si in prezentare si branding.
Mi-ar placea sa imi scrieti daca doriti, parerile si sugestiile voastre, ca sa va cunosc si eu mai bine si sa avem o relatie directa, pentru ca in spatele acestui brand Cherish Ceramics sunt eu, Andreea, o persoana reala, care incearca sa isi impartaseasca pasiunea pentru aceasta arta a focului extraordinara.
(pentru cei dintre dumneavoastra care ati luat o carte de vizita de la standul meu, va reamintesc ca puteti sa imi scrieti si pe adresa de mail )
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Jazz in the park
In acest weekend voi participa la Jazz in the park un festival de jazz in aer liber , desfasurat in Parcul central din Cluj.
Va astept cu drag la standul Cherish Ceramics, sa ne cunoastem si sa ascultam muzica buna care se anunta !
Can't wait!!
Va astept cu drag la standul Cherish Ceramics, sa ne cunoastem si sa ascultam muzica buna care se anunta !
Can't wait!!
Friday, June 20, 2014
Green is my favourite color
"Green mosaic" earrings (fired at 1000 degrees celsius with black pigment underglaze effects) |
"Green mosaic" ring (fired at 1000 degrees celsius, with black pigment underglaze effects) |
I am drawn to it automatically, it is always my first choice for several years now and I love to experiment with it firing the pieces at different temperatures or adding another glaze to change the intensity or opacity.
I will read about this green addiction even thought I don't mind using it forever & ever.
"Emerald green swirls" earrings (fired at 1200 degrees celsius) |
"Aquamarin circles" earrings (fired at 1000 degrees celsius with an added clear glaze) |
"Green branches" earrings (fired at 1150 degrees) |
"Green lake" ring (fired at 1000 degrees celsius) |
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Black on white drawings
artist Katharine Morling
I love her works, simple, everyday objects and things made in porcelain with details in black, with the appereance of black and white drawings.It is as if the objects become alive from a still life drawing.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Ați făcut vreodată o listă de produse favorite pe etsy ? Pentru mine este o sursă de inspirație infinită, și nu mă refer doar la produse în sine ci la atmosfera pe care o poți recrea cu câteva imagini, poți să concepi propria viziune asupra unei zile sau moment adunând într-o colecție de imagini senzații și idei.
Astazi mă inspiră: sunrise-sunrise
Have you ever made a treasury on etsy ? For me is always inspiring and I'm not talking only about the products, gorgeous ones always, but of the atmosphere you can create with only a handfull of images, you can make your own vision about the day ahead or a special event, gathering sensations and ideas in one board.
Today I love : sunrise-sunrise
Love love love ♥
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Monday, April 28, 2014
La Meridiana international ceramic school
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via: la meridiana. |
Am descoperit recent această școală internațională de ceramică La Meridiana care în fiecare an oferă o serie de workshop-uri și ateliere coordonate de artiști ceramiști din toată lumea. Cursurile se adresează deopotrivă tinerilor ceramiști dar și iubitorilor de ceramică care își doresc să aprofundeze tainele acestei arte, într-o locație uimitoare, în inima Toscanei italiene.
Fiecare artist coordonator propune o temă de studiu inspirată din creația personală și lucrează după tiparele proprii dezvăluind secretele și tehnicile pe care le-a aprofundat pe parcursul carierei.
Mie personal mi-ar plăcea să particip mai ales la cursurile de bijuterie sau la cele în care se construiesc instalații din mii de piese, o abordare care mă inspiră întotdeauna.
O destinație ideală care și-a găsit deja locul pe lista mea de locuri de vizitat, și sper să ajung acolo într-o zi.
I have recently discovered this international school of ceramics: La Meridiana , located in one of the most amazing places on earth: Tuscany. Each year you can attend one of the workshops or courses organised, teached by Ceramic artists with international recognition, that put their knowledge and experience in introducing you to the secrets of this amazing art. Each instructor will teach the basis and techniques that he uses in creating his own works, and I personally would join the ones that aproach ceramic jewelry design or the sculptural instalations made from thousands of pieces.
I just love this and wish I could join someday one of them.
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via: la meridiana |
Friday, April 25, 2014
Pinterest Ceramic things board
Dacă ați ajuns până aici și încă nu v-ați plictisit de ceramica pe care o promovez cu pasiune, vă invit să urmăriți pinboard-ul meu dedicat acestei meserii artizanale devenită o artă uimitoare pe parcursul secolelor: pinterest.ceramic-things unde adaug zilnic forme ceramice de toate felurile, de la obiecte simple ca cești de cafea sau vaze decorative la opere de artă uimitoare prin efecte și culori sau piese de design utilitar ori industrial.
If you came all this way and are still interested in the ceramic I so dearly promote I invite you to discover more ceramic forms on my pinterest board: pinterest.ceramic-things dedicated to ceramic things of all sorts, from coffee cups and decorative vases to intricate and interesting tiles and amazing ceramic works of art with astonishing shapes and color effects, all in the name of this stunning technique that has developed so much over the centuries.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Cherish Ceramics pendants with floral influences
Coliere Cherish Ceramics noi, de purtat la ținutele de zi în zilele însorite de vară ce se apropie.
CherishCeramics necklaces ready to wear on the summer days ahead.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Amazing forms evoking the sounds of whales.
you can find more following the link bellow:
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